During the Battle of Falkland Sound on the 21 May 1982 HMS Ardent was lost in action and 22 of the 199 crew were left behind.
We will always remember them.
AB(S) Derek Armstrong
Lt Cdr Richard Banfield
AB(S) Andrew Barr
POAEM(M) Peter Brouard
CK Richard Dunkerley
ALCK Mick Foote
MEM(M)2 Stephen Ford
ASTD Shaun Hanson
AB(S) Sean Hayward
AB(EW) Stephen Heyes
WEM(R)1 Simon Lawson
MEM(M)2 Alistair Leighton
AEM(N)1 Allan McAulay
ALS(R) Mick Mullen
LT Brian Murphy
LPT Gary Nelson
APOWEM(R) Andrew Palmer
CK John Roberts
LT CDR John Sephton DSC (posthumous)
ALMEM(M) Stephen White
LMEM(L) Garry Whitford
MEM(M)1 Gilbert Williams

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
HMS Ardent Anchor Memorial
Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Gloucester led the dedication ceremony for the HMS Ardent Association Anchor Memorial located in the grounds of the National Memorial Arboretum on the 21 May 2015, the 33rd anniversary of the sinking of HMS Ardent in Falkland Sound.