Tributes: 21 May 2021
Shipmate Stephen"Wyatt" Earp and his daughters have laid a floral tribute at the Falklands Memorial in Plymouth to honour our 22 fallen shipmates lost today 39 years ago during the the Battle of San Carlos when British troops landed on the Falklands in 1982.
Association members, friends and Royal Navy personal around the globe made sure our 22 Fallen Shipmates were remembered on our 39th anniversary of the loss of HMS Ardent during the Battle of Falkland Sound. This included Lt. Roberts RN who laid a wreath from the warship HMS Forth, he is the grandson of survivor Tony Ray who was ARDENT's DMEO. Shipmate Dave Serrell visited the Ardent Anchor memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum reporting it was “ A horrible day weather wise but duty done. Unable to carry out any maintenance work but new wreath laid at 11:30 this morning. For those still on patrol. Never forgotten.”
On twitter the team from the Royal Navy survival school (ARDENT Building) led the tributes to us online “It is with huge respect that we remember the crew of HMS Ardent, 39 years ago today, 22 souls still at sea will not be forgotten. Ensuring that those who survived are recognised and celebrated too.” - PO Adam Bland.
At the Seaview Memorial to Stephen Ford in Poole, the Royal British Legion and family members gathered to remember Stephen and the fallen crew of HMS Ardent.
And for all of us, shipmate Peter Rowe made a toast to those 22 colleagues who maintain their watch in Grantham Sound.