Cenotaph Remembrance Parade 2022

Tony Ray has managed to have the Association added to the list of organisations to be allocated places for the parade past the Cenotaph on Remembrance Day next year. Tony will be the lead contact.

It is felt that to mark the 40th anniversary of the Falkland Conflict and the formation of our own Association it would be a fitting tribute to our fallen shipmates. It is hoped that a full representation of the membership would march including family members of our fallen shipmates or representatives of each family.

At this stage, it is not envisaged that this will be an annual event but a one off to mark the anniversary. For future years members may wish to revert to marching with SAMA82 or the Type 21 club as they desire.

The Cenotaph organisers of the Royal British legion (RBL) have not indicated at this point how many numbers we will be allocated but we need to ascertain interest so that we might bid for sufficient places when Tony is in contact with the organisers again, in the spring.

Please contact us via the contact form at the foot of the first page if you are interested in being part of the ARDENT march past.

It is stressed that at this point you are just registering your interest and you will be contacted again once Tony has been allocated places.

Richard Gough

Social Documentary, non-professional, Photographer reporting the world around me.


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