Falklands 40 - Full Steam Ahead

Veterans are getting ready to mark the 40th occasion of our 40th anniversary of the 1982 Falklands Conflict with events planned around the UK and in the Falkland Islands. For the HMS Ardent Association the main event will be our Service of Remembrance and annual Reunion on Saturday 28 May 2022 in Plymouth. In addition to the many events being planned by SAMA82 and the Royal British Legion the Association are also hoping to have our own platoon on parade to march past the Cenotaph on Remembrance Day which will hopefully be reminiscent of our crew marching at the 25th anniversary at Whitehall when the whole march past was led by Admiral Lord West.


Where possible the Association will publish details of events we are taking part in this website, on our Facebook Group and in our newsletter. So please check back regularly to keep up-to date with Falklands 40 events.

Richard Gough

Social Documentary, non-professional, Photographer reporting the world around me.


Plymouth Falklands Memorial


Cenotaph Remembrance Parade 2022